Lagoon Upgrade Project
The Project
The lagoon system is currently facing the limit of its treatment capacity and new, more stringent, effluent limits. The upgrade project proposes to improve the lagoon system efficiency to meet higher standards. All the proposed upgrades are in support of the Bow River Basin Phosphorus Management Plan.
The Commission has successfully applied for grant funding to assist with the costs of the Lagoon Upgrade Project.
The project includes the following upgrades:
- Upgrades to the Transfer Lift Station.
- Upgrades to the existing interconnecting piping.
- The addition of a third partial mix cell.
- The addition of a SAGR system (three cells) after the third partial mix cell.
- Upgrades and addition to the aeration system.
- The addition of a chemical injection system, including a chemical storage building following the SAGR system.
- The addition of a fine screen and UV disinfection system, including a utility building following the chemical injection system.
- The addition of a gravity effluent discharge piping system.
- The addition of a river diffuser system.